Saturday, June 1, 2013

Want to know about mental health from finger length study ?

Want to know about mental health from finger length study ?
Please get info from the web address :- Please write what you think about it.
Mental Health - 3 Answers - 2006-09-06 11:11:56

Best Answer
You would need to use the 2 sample t-test to test for a difference in two populations. You need another larger sample to see if the accuracy of this one and you would need to know in the general population finger length vs those diagnosed. The study was interesting but more research is needed. I provided some statistical links as well.

All Answers
Answer 1
Its interesting. Trying to tell if someone has a neurosis by their fingers. In my opinion its understandable. The human body will show signs of personality or behavioural patterns. Personal experience has even led me to believe that simple lines in ones hands can represent active personality traits that can lead to problems in the near future. This was done by an Indian coworker at one time who simply knew what the lines meant and he diagnosed what my problems were. He used to be in business with another gentleman who got a kick out of this coworker reading his palm. He said such practice actually made him better able to read palms only because this business man's lines were a giant story book. He also did note the fingers themselves but I don't remember much on that. Maybe this study could open up more in the future.
2006-09-06 22:46:44

Answer 2
2006-09-11 21:16:09

Answer 3
You would need to use the 2 sample t-test to test for a difference in two populations. You need another larger sample to see if the accuracy of this one and you would need to know in the general population finger length vs those diagnosed. The study was interesting but more research is needed. I provided some statistical links as well.
2006-09-14 00:18:18

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In Oblivion is there anyway to stop items....?

In Oblivion is there anyway to stop items....?
So I have Oblivion for the PC and I like organizing things for fun, like putting food on the plates in the Knight of the Nine Priory, but the food I put down will sometimes disappear, and sometimes when I enter the room, the items get randomly thrown across the room for no reason at all. Is there a mod or something to fix this?? It's VERY annoying.
Video & Online Games - 2 Answers - 2007-11-17 20:06:36

Best Answer
I'll second the previous answer, and I will add that dropping food on plates is not an exact science, and sometimes you can actually drop the food THROUGH the plates, through the table, etc. I don't think there is a patch or a mod specifically for this problem.

All Answers
Answer 1
It doesn't get thrown around the room for no reason, it gets thrown around the room because the door opened which caused a gust of wind. Or something like that... Just deal with it. Oblivion is not a game for interior decorators. Get the sims instead if that is what you want to do.
2007-11-20 13:30:17

Answer 2
I'll second the previous answer, and I will add that dropping food on plates is not an exact science, and sometimes you can actually drop the food THROUGH the plates, through the table, etc. I don't think there is a patch or a mod specifically for this problem.
2007-11-20 14:34:39

Monday, April 1, 2013

oblivion ps3 freezing problem?

oblivion ps3 freezing problem?
im doing the main quest and every time i go into the chapel in weynon priory (after mythic dawn agents raid the place) the game freezes.i tried everything cleaning the disk, deleting and reinstalling the game utility and moving the ps3 to a cooler place.any suggestions?
Video & Online Games - 2 Answers - 2008-07-28 19:14:14

Best Answer
get a coolin fan 4 tha system

All Answers
Answer 1
call gamestop for help
2008-07-28 19:18:16

Answer 2
get a coolin fan 4 tha system
2008-07-28 19:22:15

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Da Vinci Code, is it fact or fiction?

The Da Vinci Code, is it fact or fiction?
Are there any strong factual proof of the so called clues that are pointed out through out the book? The clues hidden in The Last Supper, were they found by the author, Dan Brown, or by someone else? I saw a documentary on the Priory of Zion, and it said that it could be real. Are they? Thank you.
Mythology & Folklore - 7 Answers - 2008-05-27 13:00:53

Best Answer
Dan Brown plagiarized some ideas from other books, notably "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". There are no clues in Leonardo's paintings. "The Last Supper' was painted in an experimental medium that faded quickly. What is left is a restoration, so no one can say for certain how Leonardo's painting really looked. The Priory of Sion was invented by Pierre Plantard in the 1950's, so it is all nonsense. I have a Discovery show on DVD about it, and I have read other sources years ago that refute Brown's predecessors. Nicholas Poussin's paintings as well as Leonardo da Vinci's were mentioned earlier, but Brown missed that part of the hoax. I saw this nonsense long before Brown did.

All Answers
Answer 1
no! it was done by a man who wanted a few bucks! its fiction, fiction i tell you, FICTION!!!! the guy was brilliant, but he didnt uncover anything.
2008-05-27 13:06:55

Answer 2
It was a work of fiction, albeit a well researched and well written work of fiction. Any piece of art (painting, sculpture, etc.) is subject to interpretation.
2008-05-27 13:16:53

Answer 3
Dan Brown plagiarized some ideas from other books, notably "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". There are no clues in Leonardo's paintings. "The Last Supper' was painted in an experimental medium that faded quickly. What is left is a restoration, so no one can say for certain how Leonardo's painting really looked. The Priory of Sion was invented by Pierre Plantard in the 1950's, so it is all nonsense. I have a Discovery show on DVD about it, and I have read other sources years ago that refute Brown's predecessors. Nicholas Poussin's paintings as well as Leonardo da Vinci's were mentioned earlier, but Brown missed that part of the hoax. I saw this nonsense long before Brown did.
2008-05-27 13:18:59

Answer 4
I frankly don't understand the controversy. Nobody thought the Wizard of Oz was misleading the people. It was written as fiction and no one thought that it would be otherwise. Religious nuts are oversensative people. They tend to have egos and every little thing is an attack on their groupthink and the ultimate END OF THE WORLD. Thorazine might be helpful.
2008-05-27 13:29:48

Answer 5
The biggest question surrounding the whole controversy is could Mary Magdalene have been the wife of Jesus and is there a blood line from Jesus. Was Mary to carry on the church. Google the Gospel of Mary and Gospel Of Phillip...presumed to have been thrown out by thy powers that were at the time
2008-05-27 13:54:26

Answer 6
Money driven fiction. Be sensational and retire early.
2008-05-27 14:35:11

Answer 7
fiction outa the head of a story teller ,who, encountered things in his life and decided to philosophize them but sometimes even fiction can have its roots in reality and so ther will always be 1 or 2 hints of truths in any story, tht wha ti think
2008-05-27 15:05:50

Friday, February 1, 2013

question about a PS3 video game called Oblivon (The Elder Scrolls IV)?

question about a PS3 video game called Oblivon (The Elder Scrolls IV)?
I'm having issues with a quest and it is called "Prior of the Nine" i have to find relics for some god, i'm past the part where i found the helm and i traveled to Priory of the Nine in attempt to find the curaiss but i checked in the chapel and the building next to it and they were both abandoned and i found nothing there, i didn't get any updates on my quest and now i don't know what to do. Please help =]
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers - 2009-12-31 00:21:15

Best Answer

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Answer 1
2010-01-02 09:22:44

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

10 POINT ANSWER................good books similar to da vinci code?

10 POINT ANSWER................good books similar to da vinci code?
books like da vinci code that have some religion muzzle solving in it if you get what i mean. like stories that involve the knights templar or freemasons or priory of sion or somethin similar, thank you
Books & Authors - 4 Answers - 2008-03-06 18:34:03

Best Answer
Angels and Demons, also by Dan Brown Jack Whyte's Templar trilogy Michael Jecks' Templar books Steve Barry's books Raymond Khoury's books The Secret Supper by Javier Sierra Labyrinthe by Kate Mosse The Expected One by Kathleen MacGowan

All Answers
Answer 1
Yeh, Cheerleaders : the 1st, 2nd, 3rd evil.
2008-03-06 18:41:28

Answer 2
Ted Dekker Left Behind Series
2008-03-06 18:47:38

Answer 3
Angels and Demons, also by Dan Brown Jack Whyte's Templar trilogy Michael Jecks' Templar books Steve Barry's books Raymond Khoury's books The Secret Supper by Javier Sierra Labyrinthe by Kate Mosse The Expected One by Kathleen MacGowan
2008-03-06 18:51:55

Answer 4
The Pegasus Secret (sadly, I forget the author)
2008-03-06 20:00:14