In Oblivion is there anyway to stop items....?
So I have Oblivion for the PC and I like organizing things for fun, like putting food on the plates in the Knight of the Nine Priory, but the food I put down will sometimes disappear, and sometimes when I enter the room, the items get randomly thrown across the room for no reason at all. Is there a mod or something to fix this?? It's VERY annoying.
Video & Online Games - 2 Answers - 2007-11-17 20:06:36
Best Answer
I'll second the previous answer, and I will add that dropping food on plates is not an exact science, and sometimes you can actually drop the food THROUGH the plates, through the table, etc. I don't think there is a patch or a mod specifically for this problem.
All Answers
Answer 1
It doesn't get thrown around the room for no reason, it gets thrown around the room because the door opened which caused a gust of wind. Or something like that... Just deal with it. Oblivion is not a game for interior decorators. Get the sims instead if that is what you want to do.
2007-11-20 13:30:17
Answer 2
I'll second the previous answer, and I will add that dropping food on plates is not an exact science, and sometimes you can actually drop the food THROUGH the plates, through the table, etc. I don't think there is a patch or a mod specifically for this problem.
2007-11-20 14:34:39