Monday, November 29, 2010

Did the Illuminati, Knights Templar, and Priory of Sion really exist?

Did the Illuminati, Knights Templar, and Priory of Sion really exist?

History - 6 Answers - 2008-03-01 22:09:45

Best Answer
The Knights Templars did exist. The ran afoul of King Phillip of France during the Avignon Papacy. They were disbanded by the Pope who was under King Phillip's control. The Pope didn't want to disband them. Actually the Catholic Church has always stated that the charges brought against them by Phillip seem to be spurious. The Jesuits had absolutely nothiing to do with them being dissoved as they were dissolved in the 1300s. The Jesuit order was not founded until the 1500s. See the link below The Priory of Sion is definitely a fictional organization.

All Answers
Answer 1
All three are or were real groups...but their agendas are very unknown to the world, which is why conspiracy theories arise.
2008-03-01 22:17:48

Answer 2
if you are asking if today they are still existing, well they are not existing anymore. there are some evidences showing some sort of ancient facts about them that they exist but this was not authentic. not authentic because it was discovered that the documents of those groups were forged. but still, many conspiracy theorists still claims this various groups are still active. don't believe in these things, it might lead you to the wrong facts and not to the real ones. Have a nice day! EDIT: i forgot to say that it is their beliefs that are in question and not their real group.
2008-03-01 22:19:55

Answer 3
The Knights Templars did exist. The ran afoul of King Phillip of France during the Avignon Papacy. They were disbanded by the Pope who was under King Phillip's control. The Pope didn't want to disband them. Actually the Catholic Church has always stated that the charges brought against them by Phillip seem to be spurious. The Jesuits had absolutely nothiing to do with them being dissoved as they were dissolved in the 1300s. The Jesuit order was not founded until the 1500s. See the link below The Priory of Sion is definitely a fictional organization.
2008-03-01 23:37:52

Answer 4
Yes they all did exist but in the present you never know what I can tell you is that the knights templar were most famous of the christian military. One of their duties were to protect pilgrims.
2008-03-02 00:47:54

Answer 5
The Priory of Sion is a hoax, the inventor fooled some historians into accepting his faked documents as "Proof" of his history. They accepted them because his theories supported theirs, so they did not investigate very far to see if they were genuine. (The faker was trying to prove he was the King of France!)
2008-03-02 04:16:04

Answer 6
Yes, I am a knight templar. Who can stand against me?
2008-03-02 19:31:52

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