Sunday, November 7, 2010

If your very brother or sister decided, in a fit of youthful naivety and idealism, to join an priory to take..?

If your very brother or sister decided, in a fit of youthful naivety and idealism, to join an priory to take..?
up the cloth and devote their live to our Lord, Jesus the Christ, as a monk/nun, how would you feel?
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers - 2008-12-20 20:27:39

Best Answer
Quite shocked, as I'm an only child. I'd have a few angry words with my mother.

All Answers
Answer 1
Quite shocked, as I'm an only child. I'd have a few angry words with my mother.
2008-12-20 20:30:17

Answer 2
I would kick and scream and kidnap to stop them
2008-12-20 20:30:25

Answer 3
im an only child but if i had a sibling like that i would them them about COMMON SENCE =]
2008-12-20 20:30:37

Answer 4
Hypothetically, or my actual brothers and sisters? Because if it were my actual brothers and sisters, I would laugh my @ss off at the hypocrisy, but hypothetically, if my siblings were normal, healthy people, I'd be happy for them.
2008-12-20 20:30:58

Answer 5
Depends on which sibling. If my younger ones wanted to join, then I would ask them if they are sure (because it's a big responsibility) and then let them do what they want to do. If it was my older sister, I would pack her bags for her, give her $10, and push her out the door. =P
2008-12-20 20:31:29

Answer 6
I'd feel happy knowing that our mother's place in Heaven has been made more secure. Peace.
2008-12-20 20:31:39

Answer 7
if that is what the lord calls them to do we have no say so in it - peace be with u
2008-12-20 20:31:59

Answer 8
This incident has never happen to me but I hope that I would handle it as I have other things my sister has decided to do. Not to judge but to be there for her. To know that even if I don't agree that she has a right to make her own choices. The great thing about it is that even when she made some messed up choices she learned from it as well as I myself have. Becoming a monk or nun does not happen over night there is alot to getting there. Minds can change during the process and if not then maybe just maybe it was supposed to be. I just love her to the otherside what ever the outcome maybe.
2008-12-20 20:39:31

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