Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just finished reading the Da VInci Code and i have some questions.?

Just finished reading the Da VInci Code and i have some questions.?
according to the book and the author, the Priory de Sion is a true organization so, would the desendant of Jesus Christ might still be alive today? and is there really a woman instead of a man beside Jesus on the painting of The Last Supper? Does historians comfirm that things Dan Brown said in the da vinci code is true? please answer, it's been bugging me for days.
Books & Authors - 9 Answers - 2007-09-18 20:50:26

Best Answer
Sweetie, much as I liked the book, it's just fiction. the Priori of Scion could be true, if so, Jesus' descendants could still be out there. The Last Supper was just Leonardo da Vinci's depiction. Who could really say what's the seating arrangement was during the Last Supper? Just enjoy the book for what it's worth. You could read related books that sprang up after it's success -- both pro and against.

All Answers
Answer 1
most of the things said in the da vinci code were just ideas dan brown had BASED on actual things, no one knows if that actually is awoman next to jesus but if you take a second look it is awefully suspicious isnit it. but nonetheless this book was meant to be read as a novel not as a book of facts, so take it as is and don't pick aprt every little detail, it's just a story.
2007-09-18 21:00:25

Answer 2
I read the book two years ago and I kept surfig on the internet to 'check up' what he was talking about. Dan Brown himself says that it is a NOVEL and that there are FACTS, but also theories HE has on events. You should go and visit his site, but I think that after reading that book, questions about religion will ALWAYS bug you.
2007-09-18 21:05:25

Answer 3
The book is a work of fiction. As with any piece of fiction you must suspend disbelief to read it. And as with any fiction you get to decide how to fill in any gaps the author doesn't complete. Dan Brown writes fictional novels not historical references.
2007-09-18 21:07:30

Answer 4
Well the thing is Brown wrote a historical fiction. He used real events and places in history, like the knight Templar but added to them. There is no historical evidence that Jesus had any children. In the painting of the Last Supper, it is believed to be one of his disciples. There was one, I forget who, that is described as younger and did not have a beard. So that accounts for the fact that the person sitting to Jesus right, may and probably is that disciple. If he did not then we are missing one of Jesus disciples in the painting and I doubt that one would have left out one of them. If he had meant it to be a woman or another person then we would have 14 people in the painting instead of the 13. Jesus and the 12 disciples. There have been some that say that the person to Jesus right is a woman but many historians do not agree with that idea. Like I said Brown wrote a work of historical fiction. That means many of the people, places and organizations are real, but they are added to greatly and even made into things they were not really about. While the story of how the knights Templar were killed is true, and thus why Friday 13 is considered an unlucky day. There are a lot of exaggerations in his book and many things that are just not true.
2007-09-18 21:13:19

Answer 5
New research has revealed a woman, when you use the mirror reversal. Remember that mirror reversal was something Leonardo was well known for as he wrote backwards. The Priory of Sion is an existing organization, I looked it up. The rest, is well protected. One of the things about esoteric teachings is that they are kept secret. They are kept secret while being practiced in the open. Many of the great leaders within history were guided by esoteric traditions. Though it is not obviously so. Leonardo does seem to be a man deep influenced by an esoteric teaching. As seen in his writing and the symbolic of his art work. The reason it is hidden, is because human nature tends to destroy what it does not understand, does not control or what is a symbol of an others intellectual advancement. Understanding this leads ultimately from question to answer and then to more questions. Another factor I found very interesting was that the symbology within the Priory of Sion is similar to the Masons, which is also a very old traditional esoteric teaching. I would not be surprised to find that there is more truth in the 'story' than we think. What we do not know is so much greater than what we do know. Last note - The Christians were not the only ones to write about that period of time. There are scrolls within the "Church" hidden from the common people, like you and me. Also, remember that they voted on what would be put into the bible. (and at times, some of the people eligible to vote where put into prison on the day of voting .... leaves a lot to wonder about) look up the Gnostics.
2007-09-18 21:20:36

Answer 6
According to the NY Times book review by Laura Miller on February 22, 2004, the Priory of Sion is a little splinter social group founded about 50 years ago. The genealogical tables and other documents were fabricated by co-conspirators of Pierre Plantard. Remember that Leonardo's painting is just an interpretation of a scene that took place 1,00 years earlier. "Any art historian could tell [Brown] that the figure, always thought to be St. John the Apostle, resembles other Leonardo portraits of biblical figures as effeminate men.* If Da Vinci thought John looked like a girly man, that's one thing. But a girlish-looking figure in a painting isn't proof that Mary was present at the Last Supper, let alone that Jesus and Mary were married. (And, by the way, if Mary was sitting in John's seat at the Last Supper, where was John?)" There are books at the library and bookstore that debunk many of the "facts" in this book.
2007-09-18 21:21:56

Answer 7
The Priory de Sion is a true organization, but not what Dan Brown suggests. "Does the Priory of Sion really exist? Yes, but not as described by Brown. Researchers suspect that members of the real-life Priory of Sion, founded in 1956, forged documents that placed major historical figures—such as Isaac Newton and Leonard da Vinci—in an ancient secret society. There is no evidence for this group beyond dubious documents. Any story relating this group to a dynasty begun by Jesus and Mary Magdalene is a fanciful work of fiction." from 5 Big Questions from The Da Vinci Code A brief guide. by Christianity Today magazine Associate Editor Collin Hansen and from Wikipedia "The Prieuré de Sion, usually rendered in English translation as Priory of Sion (occasionally as 'Priory of Zion'), is an alleged thousand-year-old cabal featured in various conspiracy theories, as well as being listed as a factual ancient mystery religion in the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It has been characterized as anything from the most influential secret society in Western history to a modern Rosicrucian-esque ludibrium, but, ultimately, has been shown to be a hoax created in 1956 by Pierre Plantard, a pretender to the French throne. The evidence presented in support of its historical existence is not considered authentic or persuasive by established historians, academics, and universities, and the evidence was later discovered to have been forged and then planted in various locations around France by Plantard and his associates." No, there are no physical descendants of Jesus...only spiritual. No, Leonardo Da Vinci didn't paint a woman in place of one of the 12 disciples. If one looks more feminine than the others it's because John is believed to have been merely a boy. Da Vinci painted according to the Biblical accounts. There are a lot of fallacies in The Da Vinci Code and any number of books (like The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code by Carl Olson & Sandra Miesel) that you can read that talk about each. You can find some sites that talk about them, too - for instance: http://www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com/christian-analysis-of-da-vinci-code.html http://www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com/reading-leonardos-the-last-supper.html http://go.family.org/davinci/content/A000000061.cfm (10 errors found in the Da Vinci Code)
2007-09-18 21:38:08

Answer 8
You can certainly look at the painting online and look for yourself to see if it's a woman next to Christ. I've looked. . . . it's either a feminine man or a masculine woman! I suppose that the descendents of Jesus could still be alive today if he actually had children. I suppose it is what you believe. There is a large gap in the bible about the life of Jesus. . . . it is feasible that during that time he married and had children. There are some that believe that Jesus was not worldly in that aspect. Obviously, if Jesus choose not to have children, there would be no direct descendents. There could always be descendents through cousins. . . . or second cousins, again depending on what you believe about Mary. A lot of what Dan Brown says in the story is based on what people believe but nothing has been proven.
2007-09-19 07:46:12

Answer 9
Sweetie, much as I liked the book, it's just fiction. the Priori of Scion could be true, if so, Jesus' descendants could still be out there. The Last Supper was just Leonardo da Vinci's depiction. Who could really say what's the seating arrangement was during the Last Supper? Just enjoy the book for what it's worth. You could read related books that sprang up after it's success -- both pro and against.
2007-09-20 08:40:32

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