Thursday, April 7, 2011

of the Vatican and the Priory Of Sion?

of the Vatican and the Priory Of Sion?
part 1: anyone thinking that its all true? tht Jesus had a wife and daughter Sara? tht He dodge death? part 2: but wat if its tru? i mean. if He came to partake of us and ours, thn shouldnt He have partaken of marriage and fatherhood too? otherwise He would have done just half of it. sorry to the extreme Catholic for these blasphames
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers - 2006-06-29 09:08:12

Best Answer
Jesus came for one reason and one reason only. Redeem mankind through his suffering and death on the cross. I truly think we as a civilization have lost sight of this. I wish we would stop trying to make Jesus something other than what his is; our brother, redeemer and gateway to heaven.

All Answers
Answer 1
I believe the Priory of Scion was proven to be a hoax back in the 50s. As for the rest of it, sure anything is possible. The idea of a virgin Jesus is to promote the chastity of priests, nuns, and believers before entering the sacrament of marriage. Obviously, having any news other than his celibacy would irreparably harm the church.
2006-06-29 09:11:36

Answer 2
Just as I said last time, no, I don't think its true The Priory of Sion was proved to be a hoax several years ago
2006-06-29 09:11:49

Answer 3
no Jeus did not die on the cross. God raised him up. Judas died on the cross. Remember when Gabrielle switched Abrahams son with the lamb after God asked him to behead his only son? So this is what happened. Gabrielle switched him with Judas and God rose him up to paradise.
2006-06-29 09:12:56

Answer 4
No society called the Priory of Sion has ever existed, at least not in the same way. Also, consider this: he made it all up. What's the likelihood that something that detailed and made up is true? To give an illustration, what's the likelihood that some small statue made by someone in a remote village suddenly becomes a god? Not much. Same here.
2006-06-29 09:12:58

Answer 5
I think it's possible. Read some of the gnostic works and come to your own conclusions....if it really matters to you. is a great place to start. Keep in mind that way back when Christianity was starting to take root that there was a big conference to decide what books would go in the Bible. Anything that the people at this conference didn't agree with or didn't fit into the way they wanted to do things was considered heretical.
2006-06-29 09:13:52

Answer 6
Jesus came for one reason and one reason only. Redeem mankind through his suffering and death on the cross. I truly think we as a civilization have lost sight of this. I wish we would stop trying to make Jesus something other than what his is; our brother, redeemer and gateway to heaven.
2006-06-29 09:13:59

Answer 7
i believe Jesus was a moral man who had a wife but I do believe he died from Crucifixion- No one will ever know for sure because books being lost or destroy or people's own interapation of the bible. A good source for more knowledge would hope this helps
2006-06-29 09:15:04

Answer 8
Not blasphames, just questions like we all have. Would it make Jesus less of a man to have married and fathered children? do you know the hebrew meaning of virgin is an unmarried woman? To me it would have made him more of a man to have had a wife and child and who are we to say God is not a father when he is? Or cannot have sons and daughters when he does. I used to be Catholic, when I started researching root translations of hebrew I was amazed at what words really mean, so I looked for it myself. Just as in the movie Good will hunting, you can find the answers, just ask and it is given and given freely without feeling pressured into donating to a collection plate. Seek Jesus for religion was my answer. All you gotta do is ask but be willing to accept the answers you find. I wish you the best and dont worry about it so much, it's neither here nor there and forgive so you can be forgiven. My advice. Hope it helps you. PS. Blashemy: any slander of the supernatural Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
2006-06-29 09:16:15

Answer 9
It's all a bunch of hooey. Fiction and not supported by any facts whatsoever.
2006-06-29 09:16:47

Answer 10
Part 1. Yes, absolutely yes, it is mostly likely true that Jesus was married and had fathered children. And that he dodged death. Allow me to give you some FACTS: In the BIBLE, Jesus is referred to as Rabbi Jesus. In Jesus' time, it was REQUIRED BY JEWISH LAW that a Rabbi be married and fathered children. Why? Because a Rabbi couldnt properly give advice unless he had experienced it as well. In Jesus' time, it took roughly three days to die on the cross. Jesus "died" within hours - so quickly, in fact, that even P. Pilate remarks "so soon?" upon the news of Jesus' death (this is ALSO IN THE BIBLE). Now, in those days, one of the really messed up things to do was to put vinegar onto a sponge, then raise it up to the dying person's mouth/nose as they were passing out from pain. The vinegar has the same effect as smelling salts - it wakes you up so you can experience more pain... Jesus was given this same treatment - but rather than spring back to conciousness and writhe in pain, he had the EXACT OPPOSITE reaction that anyone in the recorded history of man had - he says "So it is done" and promptly "dies". There was, in His time, a known drug called Belladonna that was known to cause the user to appear "dead" - this is the same drug that Hatians use to make "zombies" or the living dead....thjis drug has the effect of making you unconcious within seconds of ingestion - similar to the style in which Jesus "died" after sucking the sponge that the Roman soldier lifts to his mouth... He is then taken down off the cross, and his body is given to his friends - which is another interesting part of the story, because in those days, bodies were NEVER RELEASED after being crucified - you were left there to rot so that the population might take you as an example. Yet, again Jesus received preferential treatment, for unknown reasons. Of course, the Church covered their butts by inventing a tale that some dignitary was on his way into Rome that day, which is why it was ordered that Jesus and the others be removed from the crosses......but what makes no sense of this story is that Appain Way - the Road that led into Rome, was not cleared of its dead and dying crucified victims...only the hill on which Jesus was hanging... The guards also broke the knees of the other two prisoners (this hastened death by making it impossible to push down on your feet and alleviate the pulling on your arms...which suffocated you), yet they stopped short of breaking Jesus' knees...WHY?? There is just too much evidence showing that Jesus mostly likely did not die on the cross. Part 2. What if its real and true? Sad thing is, we will never know. The Church has made sure to destroy any evidence there might be. Imagine if it came out that the entire faith of Chrisitainity was based on lies and half truths?? Surely many believers would leave the church. They (the church) would lose millions of dollars and power - two things they will not allow to happen. And, imgaine how people would react to knowing that you or I or someone else is a direct descendant of Jesus...if that is the case, are those people treated as living gods? Or are they treated as normal mortals?? Gives a whole lot to consider!
2006-06-29 09:27:41

Answer 11
Some suggest that Jesus was resuscitated, but as this wasn't seen before or widely known about people thought it was a miracle! The Bible was edited by the roman emperor Constantine in a way as to best control the population. The roman emperors liked Christianity as it would forgive them for their sins!
2006-06-29 09:33:52

Answer 12
THE REAL HISTORICAL ORIGIN OF THE PRIORY OF SION Paul Smith The President of the 1956 Priory of Sion was André Bonhomme. André Bonhomme was one of the four founding members of the Priory of Sion in Annemasse in 1956, along with Pierre Plantard. He is tired of being harassed by inquiries about the nature of the association and doesn't want any publicity – he refuses to be interviewed on television or on radio. He doesn't understand where people get the idea that the Priory was anything other than what it was – just a small club of friends. This was the statement he made to the BBC in 1996: "The Priory of Sion doesn't exist anymore. We were never involved in any activities of a political nature. It was four friends who came together to have fun. We called ourselves the Priory of Sion because there was a mountain by the same name close-by. I haven't seen Pierre Plantard in over 20 years and I don't know what he's up to but he always had a great imagination. I don't know why people try to make such a big thing out of nothing." And to quote French Researcher Jean-Luc Chaumeil from his 1994 book ‘The Table Of Isis, Part 2, The Templars Of The Apocalypse: The Message Of A Sacred Enigma - Tales, Legends And Myths Of Rennes-le-Chateau’: "Finally, the Priory of Sion was created in 1956. We were able to contact former members of this office, who all burst out laughing when we mentioned Rennes-le-Château. According to its former President, the association was at the time a "club for boy scouts" and NOTHING MORE….!" And from the BBC 2 Timewatch documentary The History of a Mystery (1996): "There's no evidence for a Priory of Sion until the 1950s; to find it, you go to the little town of St-Julien. Under French Law every new club or association must register itself with the Authorities, and that's why there's a dossier here showing that a Priory of Sion filed the proper forms in 1956. According to a founding member, this eccentric association took its name not from Jerusalem, but from a nearby mountain (Col du Mont Sion Alt. 786 m). The dossier also notes that the Priory's self-styled Grand Master Pierre Plantard, who is central to this story, has done time in jail." Pierre Plantard was sentenced on 17 December 1953 by the court of St Julien-en-Genevois to 6 months in prison for breaking the French Law relating to "Abus de Confiance" (fraud and embezzlement). The evidence for this is found in a letter written by the Mayor of Annemasse in 1956 to the Sub-Prefect of St Julien-en-Genevois, which can be found in the File that contains the 1956 Statutes of the Priory of Sion and the 1956 Registration Documents of the Priory of Sion. " our archives we have a note from the I.N.S.S.E dated 15 December 1954 advising us that Monsieur Pierre Plantard was sentenced on 17 December 1953 by the court in St. Julien-en-Genevois to six months imprisonment for a ‘breach of trust’ under articles 406 and 408 of the Penal Code." Articles 406 and 408 of the old-style Penal Code correspond to Articles 314-1, 314-2 and 314-3 of the present Penal Code. These articles are classified in Book III of the Code, ‘Crimes and offences against property’ – theft, extortion, blackmail, fraud, and embezzlement. The Official Judicial Archives relating to Pierre Plantard’s criminal convictions and prison sentences are to be found in the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Thonon-les-Bains (this being the information as provided by Le Directeur des Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie in the town of Annecy).
2006-06-30 18:36:41

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