Tuesday, March 29, 2011

who are the eight great masters of priory of sion?

who are the eight great masters of priory of sion?

Video & Online Games - 2 Answers - 2006-05-19 13:29:34

Best Answer
The "records" list many more than eight, also. I remember that da Vinci was one, so were some Founding Fathers.

All Answers
Answer 1
There were none. It never existed.
2006-05-19 13:31:39

Answer 2
The "records" list many more than eight, also. I remember that da Vinci was one, so were some Founding Fathers.
2006-05-19 13:33:07

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Was there a secret society called the Priory Of Sion for real?

Was there a secret society called the Priory Of Sion for real?

Other - Society & Culture - 3 Answers - 2006-05-16 11:02:58

Best Answer
Yes there was, but their portrayal in the novel "The Da Vinci Code" is not entrirely accurate. This is part of the reason why the novel is so controversial, as people are taking the novel as being 100% accurate. It's more along the lines of historical fiction. But to answer your question, YES, there really was a Priory of Scion.

All Answers
Answer 1
Yes there was, but their portrayal in the novel "The Da Vinci Code" is not entrirely accurate. This is part of the reason why the novel is so controversial, as people are taking the novel as being 100% accurate. It's more along the lines of historical fiction. But to answer your question, YES, there really was a Priory of Scion.
2006-05-16 11:04:34

Answer 2
Perhaps there was, but it is now beleived that the alleged Priory of Sion was a hoax, perpetrated by one Pierre Plantard of France, who claimed to be its current leader in the 1960's. Check out the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Henry Lincoln, Micheal Baigent. It explains how they uncovered the hoax...
2006-05-16 11:05:13

Answer 3
Priory if Scion actually. Yes, they did/do exist, they're called P-2 now.
2006-05-16 11:11:07

Friday, March 25, 2011

Does anybody believe in the Priory of Sion?

Does anybody believe in the Priory of Sion?
Does anybody believe in the Priory of Sion? I have a science mind - I'm not so good with faith, and since I read The Da Vinci Code, and saw the movie, I totally believe. I've looked them up on the net and tried to research them, I could totally imagine it was true. Am I nuts? Does anyone else believe in the Priory? Ok sorry, I believe in the idea of it, not the actual story. Ok, thanks Liberal. I'm glad I asked this question so I could be insulted. And thank you to the rest of you, you've provided some insight into it for me and I apprectiate that :)
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers - 2009-05-21 22:41:11

Best Answer
Whilst the novel is fiction the priory and all the other societies and places are real!! Indeed the authors of a factual book about them tried to sue the author for plagiarism for using some of their facts and figures but lost the court case!! That is the real reason that christians are so against the book - it has more facts and real things in it than the bible does!!

All Answers
Answer 1
"Da Vinci Code" is a novel. It's fiction. If you think any part of it is real, then you DON'T have a science mind. In order to be good at science, you need to be able to instinctively know the difference between true and false and how to test it. ******************** No difference. Find a basis for believing in the idea. Until you do, you need to be skeptical. That's a skill you have to develop or you'll fall for anything. As a matter of fact, you're not even a free person if you're so easily duped by a simple, imaginary story that uses enticements in place of evidence.
2009-05-21 22:45:10

Answer 2
There's been actual research done about this and it was shown that the Priory of Sion is nothing at all like it is described in The Da Vinci Code book or movie. Indeed, there is very little evidence that proves it ever existed. I like the idea of it too - so wonderfully spooky.
2009-05-21 22:55:58

Answer 3
The Priory of Sion was established by the second King of Jerusalem and simply existed, studying scripture, until the Papacy gave it's last building and accumulated paper and debts to the Society of Jesus.In 1634. Frankly it was not active in the world and was mediocre in scholarship. It was an organization set up for the personal glory and social standing of it's members.
2009-05-21 22:58:03

Answer 4
Brown's first "fact" alleged that a secret society, the Priory of Sion, kept alive the story that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married. But in fact, this tale was exposed as a hoax that was made up in the 1950s by an anti-Semitic Frenchman (who was sent to prison for fraud). The second "fact" alleged that a "religious sect" called Opus Dei was an evil organization, when in fact it is a lay group that calls Catholics to holiness in their daily lives. The third "fact" was the most malicious: it claimed that the book was based on historical documents that show how the divinity of Jesus was forged in the fourth century. Everyone is free to believe what they want about Catholicism (or any other religion), and novelists are free to offer conjecture about the past. But no one has the right to defame another human being, or an institution, and then lie about his sources. As to the bigoted nature of the book/film, consider that it was John Calley, the movie's co-producer, who admitted that the film was "conservatively anti-Catholic." It would be unimaginable to conceive of a single producer in all of Hollywood who would brag about his association with a bigoted film, unless, of course, it was a Catholic-bashing flick.
2009-05-21 23:01:31

Answer 5
It was a fabrication by a man called Plantard, and then a sect of that name was created. Wikipedia has an article on it.
2009-05-21 23:35:05

Answer 6
Whilst the novel is fiction the priory and all the other societies and places are real!! Indeed the authors of a factual book about them tried to sue the author for plagiarism for using some of their facts and figures but lost the court case!! That is the real reason that christians are so against the book - it has more facts and real things in it than the bible does!!
2009-05-22 00:24:46

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is Ramakrishna Mission a Priory of Sion like organization to protect Vivekananda’s lineage?

Is Ramakrishna Mission a Priory of Sion like organization to protect Vivekananda’s lineage?
It is widely suspected that Swami Vivekananda left a son with Nivedita. Otherwise a credible Government and media would not have named a bridge ‘Second Vivekananda’. Circumstantially, there are reasons to believe the rumour. 1.Vivekananda and Nivedita both were of nubile age at that time, with excellent health. Nivedita had a normal sexuality with history of two failed relationships before coming to India. 2.Vivekananda was very much possessive about her; and expressed anguish often not with finesse, over her hobnobbing with Okakura the womanizer or Brahmo Samaj the debauches. In a sadistic exercise, Vivekananda made Nivedita speak in favour of animal sacrifice. 3.Vivekananda was an ace swimmer and boatman. He tactically located Math at Belur, just opposite Bagbazar across the river where Nivedita lived. Midnight rendezvous was not an improbability altogether. 4.Contraceptives were not freely available then. 5.Nivedita’s gowns were ideal to hide pregnancy.
Religion & Spirituality - 1 Answers - 2007-04-27 17:41:08

Best Answer
Could be

All Answers
Answer 1
Could be
2007-04-30 13:56:05

Monday, March 21, 2011

I am looking for a pic of the symbol of Priory of Sion.?

I am looking for a pic of the symbol of Priory of Sion.?
I saw a breif pic of it, its a circle with what looked like a cross or an arrow coming from it.
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers - 2006-05-14 19:46:26

Best Answer
Look here:

All Answers
Answer 1
what in the blazes is Priory of sion?
2006-05-14 19:48:24

Answer 2
Look here:
2006-05-14 19:55:05

Answer 3
Heres a good one... http://www.aramisr.freeserve.co.uk/page9.html Theres an old one at the bottom of this page... http://www.blogshares.nl/ Thers a nice simple little one a little less than halfway down this page... http://www.sangraal.com/links.htm
2006-05-14 19:57:28

Answer 4
it is the cross of Lorraine.http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefscrosslorraine.htm this is the url where you can see it.
2006-05-14 20:05:49

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I need some information on the Knights of the Priory. Somebody mentioned them in a question and I can't find

I need some information on the Knights of the Priory. Somebody mentioned them in a question and I can't find
information on them. Anybody got a good website? Or know what they are and explain it to me. Thanks.
Religion & Spirituality - 2 Answers - 2008-06-07 16:39:33

Best Answer
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priory_of_sion Its a myth. Something some Atheists and anti-catholics believe in.

All Answers
Answer 1
They never existed. The story was a fraudulent attempt by a Frenchman (I don't recall his name) to show that he was descended of Merovingian royalty.
2008-06-07 16:47:18

Answer 2
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priory_of_sion Its a myth. Something some Atheists and anti-catholics believe in.
2008-06-07 16:50:26

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Priory of Sion pronunciation- phonetically?

Priory of Sion pronunciation- phonetically?
Is it Pry or eee or Pri a ree? I can't seem to find anyone that knows for sure and if discussing this book with anyone I don't want to sound completely stupid.
Books & Authors - 4 Answers - 2007-01-08 06:10:22

Best Answer
I listened to the recorded book version of "Da Vinci Code" and the narrator there said "PRY er ee of SI n" (Prior rhymes with briar, just put the "e" sound at the end, and Sion is like "sighin'").

All Answers
Answer 1
Pry-or-ee uv Sy-on.
2007-01-08 06:18:04

Answer 2
I listened to the recorded book version of "Da Vinci Code" and the narrator there said "PRY er ee of SI n" (Prior rhymes with briar, just put the "e" sound at the end, and Sion is like "sighin'").
2007-01-08 06:24:38

Answer 3
Pry or eee
2007-01-08 07:00:21

Answer 4
It depends on your regional dialect, actually. How do you pronounce the word "Prior" where you live? As in, "I grabbed my purse prior to leaving." Then, add an "eee" sound to the end. And that's how you pronounce it where you live.
2007-01-08 12:06:21

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What are some popular legends, or interesting legends?

What are some popular legends, or interesting legends?
What are some popular legends? Religious legends, mythical legends, anything. (ie. priory of sion, vampires, etc.) Top ten legends, or maybe a list of movies/books about legends or myths.
Mythology & Folklore - 3 Answers - 2009-01-25 08:25:41

Best Answer
Lochness Monster Bigfoot The 22 ft Woman Godzilla King Kong

All Answers
Answer 1
2009-01-25 08:29:40

Answer 2
A good legend is the story of the USS Eldridge. Google it. Or the Flatwoods Monster.
2009-01-25 09:02:33

Answer 3
Lochness Monster Bigfoot The 22 ft Woman Godzilla King Kong
2009-01-25 09:39:25

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What should be Obama's top priories for young Americans?

What should be Obama's top priories for young Americans?
If you had the chance to sit down with President Barack Obama, what would you suggest that he makes as his top priorities for young Americans and why? I spelled priorities wrong. Sorry. :)
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers - 2009-02-17 14:43:49

Best Answer
non-government jobs and lower taxes

All Answers
Answer 1
non-government jobs and lower taxes
2009-02-17 14:47:21

Answer 2
Balance the budget. It's a "pay now or pay MORE later." Young Americans are going to be stuck with the "MORE later" tab.
2009-02-17 14:47:37

Answer 3
Keep the future alive and not swamped by debt, with the government spending more than its limits is insuring debt to your children, and generations to come.
2009-02-17 15:10:50

Friday, March 11, 2011

What would you choose Opus Dei or the Priory of Sion?

What would you choose Opus Dei or the Priory of Sion?

Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers - 2007-10-15 15:47:14

Best Answer
If I HAD to choose..... Priory of Sion BB

All Answers
Answer 1
Opus Dei
2007-10-15 15:51:45

Answer 2
The Priory. I'm not in favor of flogging myself...and worshiping women isn't that bad. 'Cuz guess what? THEY CREATED YOU!!! well, that and your father...but that's another topic ; )
2007-10-15 15:53:33

Answer 3
If I HAD to choose..... Priory of Sion BB
2007-10-15 15:55:51

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do u really think Priory of Scion and Opus Dei exist ?

Do u really think Priory of Scion and Opus Dei exist ?

Current Events - 6 Answers - 2006-05-28 09:08:28

Best Answer
There is evidence that suggests these are real religious sects. What secret they are protecting is up for debate.

All Answers
Answer 1
There is evidence that suggests these are real religious sects. What secret they are protecting is up for debate.
2006-05-28 09:12:15

Answer 2
Opus Dei certainly exist: http://www.opusdei.org/ The priory of scion was a hoax created by Pierre Plantard. Most of the evidence presented in support of claims pertaining to its historical existence, let alone significance, has not been considered authentic or persuasive by established historians, academics, and universities.
2006-05-28 09:13:06

Answer 3
The Priory of Scion is a fictional creation. Opus Dei is a real society.. people who do the work of God within their daily lives. www.opusdei.org
2006-05-28 09:14:59

Answer 4
yes Opus Dei certainly exist. there are evidences in the book related to it. but priory of scion is pure fiction created by dan brown. there is no sure proof , cuz if it did exist we wud hav had at least a lil bit hint.
2006-05-28 09:46:14

Answer 5
It is well-known that Opus Dei exists. That's why people are a bit upset about the book, because it makes them look like criminals, when they are really just decent people with a moral message. I don't think it's right to use real organizations and real people and cast them as evil in a book. It doesn't seem ethical to me if its all made up. The book was a book of fiction. Why don't people get that? Why do people keep asking if its all real? No one ever asks if Hogwarts was a real place! Sheesh.
2006-05-28 23:01:11

Answer 6
Opus Dei certainly exist: http://www.opusdei.org/ It is well-known that Opus Dei exists. That's why people are a bit upset about the book, because it makes them look like criminals, when they are really just decent people with a moral message. I don't think it's right to use real organizations and real people and cast them as evil in a book. It doesn't seem ethical to me if its all made up. The priory of scion was a hoax created by Pierre Plantard. Most of the evidence presented in support of claims pertaining to its historical existence, let alone significance, has not been considered authentic or persuasive by established historians, academics, and universities.
2006-05-29 01:29:36

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is it possible to preserve paper/papyrus for 2000 years?

Is it possible to preserve paper/papyrus for 2000 years?
I was discussing this with my dad in relation to Da Vinci Code, is it possible for them to preserve those manuscripts (assuming they exist) for 2000 years? Looking at it from a scientific point of view. Further assuming that there was a Priory of Sion who takes care of it, if it was ever found will it still stand as a powerful proof beyond reasonable doubt that Jesus was just like us? Please answer from a scientific point of view. Thanks
Earth Sciences & Geology - 1 Answers - 2007-12-12 03:31:10

Best Answer
there are many papyrus in Egypt that old and older. how ever it will not prove anything as it could be a forgery or simply incorrect there are many forged books of the bible that are rejected now, it would be just another in a long line of them the logical error of the di vinci code is even if they had all that proof you could not prove she was a blood relation to Jesus all you have is a list of names

All Answers
Answer 1
there are many papyrus in Egypt that old and older. how ever it will not prove anything as it could be a forgery or simply incorrect there are many forged books of the bible that are rejected now, it would be just another in a long line of them the logical error of the di vinci code is even if they had all that proof you could not prove she was a blood relation to Jesus all you have is a list of names
2007-12-12 03:37:37

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How do you get around the glitch in Oblivion:Knights of the Nine where Sir Lathon doesnt appear?(ps3 version)?

How do you get around the glitch in Oblivion:Knights of the Nine where Sir Lathon doesnt appear?(ps3 version)?
After completing the Priory of the nine quest youre supposed to return to the Priory and gather "news" about the other relics. The knight thats supposed to talk to you doesnt appear. Anybody know what to do?
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers - 2009-08-07 15:54:34

Best Answer
I'm oblivious at Oblivion. Funny pun I know.

All Answers
Answer 1
I'm oblivious at Oblivion. Funny pun I know.
2009-08-07 17:53:17

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What did you learn about the Priory of Sion, or Leonardo Davinci from reading the Da Vinci Code?

What did you learn about the Priory of Sion, or Leonardo Davinci from reading the Da Vinci Code?

Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers - 2006-06-06 12:37:47

Best Answer
I learned a lot about those subjects by reading The Da Vinci code and in turn, researching the subjects I read about in the book and plan on doing much more research about those subjects. I just finished reading the prequal to The Da Vinci code "Angels & Demons" and plan on reading "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (non fiction book by a different author on the same subjects) to learn more.

All Answers
Answer 1
That it doesn't really make any difference to me. The book is good though.
2006-06-06 12:41:35

Answer 2
I learnt that there are creepy people from time immemorial.The priory of sion being more than a 1000 year old brotherhood is one thing that gives creeps.And as for Leonardo da Vinci almost everyone was aware of the facts mentioned in the book.
2006-06-06 12:41:40

Answer 3
I learned a lot about those subjects by reading The Da Vinci code and in turn, researching the subjects I read about in the book and plan on doing much more research about those subjects. I just finished reading the prequal to The Da Vinci code "Angels & Demons" and plan on reading "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (non fiction book by a different author on the same subjects) to learn more.
2006-06-06 12:42:23

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is there any proof that the Priory of Sion is real?

Is there any proof that the Priory of Sion is real?
I'm doing a report on secret societies, and am doing a piece of the Priory of Sion. At first I thought I had information that said it was real, or at least there was evidence it was, but then I found out that it was just a hoax in the 60's. Is there ANY evidence that the Priory of Sion was real before the 50's?
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers - 2007-09-22 18:29:56

Best Answer
Good luck. I don't think you'll find definitive proof. Read the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, it spills the beans and even lists the heads of the Prioriy but its even money if its any more or less true than, say, the Bible or any other quasi fiction book.

All Answers
Answer 1
Good luck. I don't think you'll find definitive proof. Read the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, it spills the beans and even lists the heads of the Prioriy but its even money if its any more or less true than, say, the Bible or any other quasi fiction book.
2007-09-22 18:34:16

Answer 2
yes but it spelled differently.
2007-09-22 18:35:10

Answer 3
No, but there is absolute proof that it was a made-up society in the 20th century, and the people responsible for making it up confessed to the hoax years later. But the Masons ARE real, and while not a secret society, they are very secretive and might be interesting for you to write about.
2007-09-22 18:37:09

Answer 4
It does exist and is the creation of men who seek to destroy the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, they will fail. The devil has been trying for years to destroy God's Word. Yet, God's Word is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting.
2007-09-22 18:39:43

Answer 5
In 1956, a man named Plantard started the Priory of Sion. It was registered in France as an association. Plantard later made claims about it being an ancient order. Years later, when he was taken to court for some financial misdeeds, he admitted that he made up all the claims about it being ancient, and being linked with kings of France.
2007-09-23 08:02:21