Saturday, December 1, 2012

Can i fix this glitch? Oblivion? Knights of the Nine?

Can i fix this glitch? Oblivion? Knights of the Nine?
I am at the end of knights of the nine and i defeated umaril and the redguard guy who is basically second in command goes outside to address the other knights and he lifts his arms but he doesnt talk!!! i have tried everything i can think of and i want to complete that and have to be able to have people in my priory.please tell me everything you know
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers - 2009-03-16 22:23:02

Best Answer
Yeah, it sounds like the game is glitched.. You may have to disable the KOTN plug-in, reload a previous save, then play through it again.. Here's a link that describes the bugs associated with KOTN.. Good luck..

All Answers
Answer 1
Yeah, it sounds like the game is glitched.. You may have to disable the KOTN plug-in, reload a previous save, then play through it again.. Here's a link that describes the bugs associated with KOTN.. Good luck..
2009-03-20 22:32:05

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why do some people think Holy Blood Holy Grail offered proof that Jesus married Mary Magdelene?

Why do some people think Holy Blood Holy Grail offered proof that Jesus married Mary Magdelene?
"The claims made in Holy Blood Holy Grail have been the source of much investigation with independent investigators such as 60 minutes, Time Magazine, and the BBC claiming that many of the books claims are not credible or verifiable. The Priory of Sion which was listed as "fact" in Holy Blood Holy Grail never existed. The Priory was a hoax created by an antisemitic French pretender to the French throne, Pierre Plantard, a convicted con man in 1956. That Jesus married Mary Magdelene was preposed by a theologian, Charles Davis who pointed to "implications" in the Gnostic Gospel of Philip." Gnostic Christians believed the procreative act was evil. They believed the flesh and the material world was evil. Dan Brown got most of his material for the DaVinci Code from Holy Blood Holy Grail. Look up Holy Blood Holy Grail on Wikepedia.
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers - 2007-04-19 21:37:35

Best Answer
Because Satan has lied to them. The davinci code is a mockery of Jesus. So, be careful that you are not lead astray!

All Answers
Answer 1
Look it up in the Bible. It is not there. There is no Holy Grail mentioned in the Bible at all. Pure fiction. with nothing to back it up but opinions
2007-04-19 21:43:18

Answer 2
Why do so many people think the Bible offers proof of anything?
2007-04-19 21:44:41

Answer 3
Because Satan has lied to them. The davinci code is a mockery of Jesus. So, be careful that you are not lead astray!
2007-04-19 21:47:47

Answer 4
Actually, the gnostics did not believe flesh was evil; they believed the flesh was “not perfect” and the spirit is “perfect”. The NT Jesus says exactly the same, and where do you think this came from? Also, they had nothing against sex to be sure. Such anti-gnostic propaganda came from the Heresy Hunters and the same Ignoramuses also demonised witches and burned them even. Furthermore, since the gnostic marriage ceremony IS sex, then he and Mary Magdalene were married for sure. Whether they had children or not is unknown but there is no mention of children.
2007-04-19 21:48:46

Answer 5
We are walking in the last days 2 Peter 3:2-3 (King James Version) 2That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, Many are being decieved and turning to fables 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (King James Version) 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. Dan Brown has a curse on his life for writting the Davinci Code as well as those who have written books that will contribute to the Holy Grail "fable" they are at risk of being judged to an eternity in hell if God does not extend mercy and grace to them and they repent.
2007-04-20 11:53:50

Monday, October 1, 2012

what is really development mean? (money/peaceful living/liberty /all ?

what is really development mean? (money/peaceful living/liberty /all ?
for what category we have to give more priory
Economics - 1 Answers - 2008-03-03 07:32:03

Best Answer
Development doesnot necessarily mean money/ has been the latter two...ofcourse u cannot completely ignore leads to development and development in turn means higher growth(money/GDP)

All Answers
Answer 1
Development doesnot necessarily mean money/ has been the latter two...ofcourse u cannot completely ignore leads to development and development in turn means higher growth(money/GDP)
2008-03-03 18:19:51

Saturday, September 1, 2012

how do i get to southend airport?

how do i get to southend airport?
i wanna get to southend airport from priory park in southend..what bus stop do i get off at? and what number? please help :)
Other - United Kingdom - 1 Answers - 2008-10-26 04:14:03

Best Answer
Buses 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9 all stop directly outside the airport, so you should know when to get off. I don't think all of the stop outside Priory Park- I know that the 7 goes via Southend Hospital before it goes to the airport. Your best bet would be to go to the main bus station in Southend town centre so that ALL of the buses will definitely be there- it's not that far from Priory Park. Or go and check the bus stop opposite Priory Park to see which of these stop there. Take a look at this website for further info:

All Answers
Answer 1
Buses 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9 all stop directly outside the airport, so you should know when to get off. I don't think all of the stop outside Priory Park- I know that the 7 goes via Southend Hospital before it goes to the airport. Your best bet would be to go to the main bus station in Southend town centre so that ALL of the buses will definitely be there- it's not that far from Priory Park. Or go and check the bus stop opposite Priory Park to see which of these stop there. Take a look at this website for further info:
2008-10-26 06:19:19

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jade Goody offered top job as India's Ambassador to Britain?

Jade Goody offered top job as India's Ambassador to Britain?
Jade to take up new duties as Indian ambasador as soon as she gets the all clear from the staff at the Priory where she has been resting. Jade now speaks fluent Urdu, Hindi and Bengali! Part of her new duties will be to promote Indian food,customs and general culture in Britain. Jade is also discussing the possibility of off- loading 30 million bottles of her perfume on the Indian market. Well done Jade! Great to see you're on the way back!
Embassies & Consulates - 2 Answers - 2007-03-02 03:25:32

Best Answer
She would make a good ambassador of India to UK. Good luck to her and to India. All the best!/

All Answers
Answer 1
Sure - who cares about the cult of talentless celebrity ... gadzooks, forsooth.
2007-03-02 03:29:44

Answer 2
She would make a good ambassador of India to UK. Good luck to her and to India. All the best!/
2007-03-02 04:27:01

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Boarding Schools in California?

Boarding Schools in California?
I'm looking for boarding schools in California around the bay area or east bay that are similar to Woodside Priory (a good boarding school that has no room). I've found nearbye boarding schools like the Athanian school and Monte VIsta, but i'm still a little hesitant. its for a to-be-senior male. thanks.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers - 2008-05-18 17:14:07

Best Answer
I would go with Athanian Boarding School. I have actually heard of a few people going there and they liked it and got right into the University they wanted.

All Answers
Answer 1
I would go with Athanian Boarding School. I have actually heard of a few people going there and they liked it and got right into the University they wanted.
2008-05-18 17:37:14

Friday, June 1, 2012

what do you folks think about the Da Vinci Code?????

what do you folks think about the Da Vinci Code?????
do you guys think the priory really existed? why? are the descendants of christ still living amongst us? is the bloodline still alive? was da vinci trying to tell us the truth through his works of art? please give a reason to your answers
Books & Authors - 11 Answers - 2008-03-14 03:00:11

Best Answer
I don't think so, but what I do know is that the Roman Catholic Church was greatly influential (many years ago and today) and if they wanted to cover up something that contradicted their teachings- then they easily could. The descendants of Christ?....I believe so, although I doubt if the descendants are aware of it. I also believe that Jesus Christ was an ordinary man-yes, he existed, but was he the son of god? Unlikely. A olden day politician I would say. Able to sweat talk the people.

All Answers
Answer 1
its a great
2008-03-14 03:04:47

Answer 2
I don't think so, but what I do know is that the Roman Catholic Church was greatly influential (many years ago and today) and if they wanted to cover up something that contradicted their teachings- then they easily could. The descendants of Christ?....I believe so, although I doubt if the descendants are aware of it. I also believe that Jesus Christ was an ordinary man-yes, he existed, but was he the son of god? Unlikely. A olden day politician I would say. Able to sweat talk the people.
2008-03-14 03:24:02

Answer 3
i think d code was just a work of fiction. a fantastic piece of imagination from Dan brown's head. as for the whole thing about Christ and Mary m i think that is also rubbish the last supper picture............. well it is not a photograph or something that shows u exactly what happened at the last supper.that too is also just a piece of imagination if you've noticed, every one of Dan brown's books have the same basic plot no i don't think Dan brown is conveying any message. don't believe every that you read especially when it is FICTION
2008-03-14 03:25:40

Answer 4
Yes, I think that the Priory really existed, because it exists to this very day...... And no, the descendants of Christ are not living among us, because they don't exist anyway..... And there was no bloodline.... And most of the time, people just believe what they want to believe..... just like what they did about the prophecies of Nostradamus.....
2008-03-14 03:30:51

Answer 5
Christ said He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life. One writer said that Christ has descendants and that Brown implies that there's not only one Way, one Truth, one Life. Christ said HE's the Truth; let all others be lies. In one book I've read, da Vinci has some unfinished paintings, just that.
2008-03-14 03:33:34

Answer 6
I think people want to believe there is always a conspiracy or a hidden meaning. No i don't believe it but it is a good story. Angels and demons follows the same line and is also a great read.
2008-03-14 04:07:13

Answer 7
Good book. BAD Movie.
2008-03-14 04:15:27

Answer 8
i wished it had been written better
2008-03-14 06:18:01

Answer 9
A marvellous book; the best of Brown's works but others are really cool. The wild imagination of the author made all the charm. This is the same technique Brown is using in his other novels (the digital fortress, point of deception, saints and devils); he mixes facts with astonishing imagination built and interlacing with facts. The parts where he is discussing symbols and signs are true or, at least, hypothetical. Don't forget that some historians consider Jesus a social jewish reformer and some others deny his existence.
2008-03-14 08:11:45

Answer 10
couldn't go past chapter 3, I've heard it happened to alot of people
2008-03-14 08:35:33

Answer 11
I enjoyed it a lot because of the fast moving plot mixed with suspense but doubts its credibility!!!
2008-03-14 10:42:01

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is The Da Vinci Code really exist?

Is The Da Vinci Code really exist?
the story of The Da Vinci Code really exist in this world? the Priory of Sion really exist? Robert Langdon really exist inthis world?
Philosophy - 3 Answers - 2009-06-03 03:33:11

Best Answer
One should always see the show... the making of Da vinci Code to be enlightened a little bit about what the director thinks and an actor thinks.The whole world was up in arms here talking about this movie and book review.I am not a movie goer but I like to watch a film enacted by good actors. I am a fan of Tom Hanks and when I saw him in that role... Oh! my heart sank. Don't I have the right to even feel this way about my fan? At least I am not sleeping with him.

All Answers
Answer 1
Is our children bing edumacated?
2009-06-03 03:41:21

Answer 2
One should always see the show... the making of Da vinci Code to be enlightened a little bit about what the director thinks and an actor thinks.The whole world was up in arms here talking about this movie and book review.I am not a movie goer but I like to watch a film enacted by good actors. I am a fan of Tom Hanks and when I saw him in that role... Oh! my heart sank. Don't I have the right to even feel this way about my fan? At least I am not sleeping with him.
2009-06-03 03:52:20

Answer 3
Wow, where were u a couple years ago when every 3rd question was the same as yours. The priory of Sion is based on forgeries. Robert Langdon is an anagram of one of the authors of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"
2009-06-03 04:12:13

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

what does this word say unscrambled sionpvrcyae?

what does this word say unscrambled sionpvrcyae?
its for the da vinci code game and its dealing with sister sandriene and her involvment with the priory of sion. i think
Books & Authors - 8 Answers - 2006-12-27 14:26:18

Best Answer
pray, novices

All Answers
Answer 1
2006-12-27 14:28:00

Answer 2 "Novice Prays" might be a good fit.
2006-12-27 14:28:22

Answer 3
I have no clue ... I searched for a word jumbler - and my results came out to be negative on that!
2006-12-27 14:29:37

Answer 4
Nose privacy.
2006-12-27 14:29:49

Answer 5
pray, novices
2006-12-27 14:39:36

Answer 6 There is a ton of anagrams for your word. One of the anagrams has to do with a corpse.
2006-12-27 14:40:15

Answer 7
a conspiracy
2006-12-27 14:45:20

Answer 8
Vicar spy one. Scrap one ivy.
2006-12-27 18:14:07

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: Knights of the Nine (360)?

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: Knights of the Nine (360)?
I downloaded the "Knights of the Nine" expansion, but where do you start it? I've been to the Priory of the Nine, but it's completely deserted.
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers - 2010-01-05 13:04:37

Best Answer
You first have to visit a wayshrine of every god, for which you can obtain a shoddy map ingame: then you can do the main quest line. Theres a prophet in anvil who'll start the wayshrine quest for you: This page should be useful:

All Answers
Answer 1
You first have to visit a wayshrine of every god, for which you can obtain a shoddy map ingame: then you can do the main quest line. Theres a prophet in anvil who'll start the wayshrine quest for you: This page should be useful:
2010-01-05 13:09:52

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I've Lost Martin and Jaufree- What Do I Do?

I've Lost Martin and Jaufree- What Do I Do?
In the game oblivion I was on the Weynon priory quest and told Martin to stay somewhere instead of following me and he's no longer there, and it won't give me access to the cloud-temple, where should I go?
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers - 2009-05-08 20:59:07

Best Answer
You should just load a saved game before you told Martin to stay at that place.

All Answers
Answer 1
You should just load a saved game before you told Martin to stay at that place.
2009-05-08 21:06:24

Thursday, March 15, 2012

help on undesrtanding The DaVinci code?

help on undesrtanding The DaVinci code?
i am doing a research paper on a banned book and that happens to be The DaVinci Code. I have watched the movie a couple times but i need help understanding the main ideas of the book. the priory of sion, as i understand, is in charge of holding the secret that the grail was actually jesus' bloodline. but whats with the cryptex being the key for the priory for finding the location of the grail if they believed that the grail never existed? i had 2 weeks to do this assignment and i hadnt read any of the books that i was given for options
Books & Authors - 2 Answers - 2010-03-16 16:19:21

Best Answer
Maybe a good place to start on a research paper on a banned book would be reading the book? Just a thought...

All Answers
Answer 1
The cryptex supposedly holds a map of some sort to evidence of Christ bloodline. Priory doesn't believe in a grail in the physical since - as if it were a cup or chalice.
2010-03-16 16:24:00

Answer 2
Maybe a good place to start on a research paper on a banned book would be reading the book? Just a thought...
2010-03-16 16:25:43

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How much of The Da Vinci Code is true?

How much of The Da Vinci Code is true?
Anyone know? The author stated in the beginning that "All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, abd secret rituals in this novel are accurate." as well listing facts about The Priory of Sion and Opus Dei, claiming that both are real organizations. Is this true?
Religion & Spirituality - 18 Answers - 2007-07-20 12:17:49

Best Answer
it is as true as the bible

All Answers
Answer 1
it is as true as the bible
2007-07-20 12:20:21

Answer 2
That's about it. You summed it up. Well that and the places exist. The rest is just very well written fiction.
2007-07-20 12:20:30

Answer 3
Everything but the plot. And yes, both organizations are very true.
2007-07-20 12:20:34

Answer 4
none was true its all false
2007-07-20 12:21:11

Answer 5
Just fiction. Someone made up a story.
2007-07-20 12:21:18

Answer 6
On the first page, it tells you that it is a book of fiction. None of it is true. That's why it's in the fiction section of the library. Hope that helps!
2007-07-20 12:21:19

Answer 7
yes it is but the great thing about the novel is the way the author mix facts w/ fiction
2007-07-20 12:21:20

Answer 8
my minister says its full of lies see literature...those are theories in that book
2007-07-20 12:21:40

Answer 9
0 it is 100% fiction
2007-07-20 12:21:53

Answer 10
Opus Dei is real. Priory is up for grabs. DaVinci was real. Even the things reflected by real people and events were used to manipulate the story
2007-07-20 12:22:04

Answer 11
It's a work of fiction just like other religious books.
2007-07-20 12:22:24

Answer 12
Im sorry but its all false, the author admitted that. Its fiction.
2007-07-20 12:22:24

Answer 13
well the paintings are real. meaning they actually were painted by DaVinci. thats about it.
2007-07-20 12:23:21

Answer 14
It was written by Dan Brown.
2007-07-20 12:23:49

Answer 15
if it is true, catholicism wouldn't exist, supposedly jesus had a spouse and a child, yet catholicism looks down on that, and will not allow their priests to marry or have children, they cannot engage in anything sexual. and for thinkenstien, thatr ruined the game i played when i was little broken sword knights of the templar, it was about chasing down pierra plantard.
2007-07-20 12:24:40

Answer 16
Jazz, the pieces of the puzzle are "true" in various shades (many consider the Priory story a legend). And of course, many disclaim the idea of Jesus being mortal and Mary Magdalene being his wife (although there is some historical writings that COULD plausibly back that up...) However, the way they are constructed by Dan Brown is fictional (but a very intrgiuing story... I enjoyed it myself...)
2007-07-20 12:25:01

Answer 17
It is a book that mixes up the fact and the fiction..Was a great book and an okay movie. It is compared to Forest Gump they mixed up fact with fiction too. lol Roflmao.. well color me blond rof sorry I am still icky.. what part of it is true roflma.. I look up and I see my answer was right on the money.. sorry.. I go back to bed lol.. ~pulls blanky over head~
2007-07-20 12:30:46

Answer 18
Below are just 6 points at which I find fault with "The Da Vinci Code." I could list many more. 1. Leonardo should not be referred to as “Da Vinci.” "Da Vinci" simply means "from Vinci" (the town). Leonardo had no surname. 2. Brown says the pyramid outside the Louvre is constructed of 666 panes of glass (p. 21). The actual number is 673 according to the Louvre’s website: 3. Brown asserts that the Gnostic gospels repeatedly refer to Jesus’ marriage to Mary Magdalene (p. 244). Actually we know of no Gnostic writings that make such a claim. 4. Brown claims the Gnostic Gospel of Philip says Jesus frequently kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth. There is, in fact, a whole in the document after the word “the.” Brown supplies the word “mouth.” Also, the Gospel of Philip speaks of holy kissing as a common event among the disciples (Nag Hammadi Library, p. 135) 5. Brown writes that a secret organization known as the Priory of Sion has guarded the secrets regarding the royal bloodline and that documents found in the Bibliotheque Nationale known as Les Dossiers Secrets (“the secret records”) reveal he names of the past grandmasters of this organization. (pp.158-160, 206, 326). Representatives of the Bibliotheque Nationale declare these documents to be a fraud. Pierre Plantard admitted under oath that he “made the whole thing up.” (see The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code, by Richard Abanes, pp. 48-56). 6. Brown says the Council of Nicea was determined by a close vote and that it was in this council that the divinity of Christ was invented and the canon of Scripture established (pp. 232-235). In reality, of the more than 300 bishops at Nicea, only five protested the creed it produced and only two actually refused to sign it. Furthermore the divinity of Christ had long been taught by the Church fathers and the canon of Scripture was not addressed at Nicea.
2007-07-20 12:31:22

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MSN or Hotmail is better than Yahoo why is that?

MSN or Hotmail is better than Yahoo why is that?
It is a simple question i just want to have your side or reasoning on this question a debate ... Priory of sion....
Internet - 3 Answers - 2006-06-10 09:08:39

Best Answer
Well Firstly, You yourself have decided by now that MSN or HOTmail is better than yahoo. So can we change your mind set. we cannot. But since you ask for our views, Yahoo is lot more better than any other services. MSN\hotmail is integrated with microsoft so whats the guarentee that we are not cross checked every time we login for a software. And b-cause the issue is being discussed i will also like to say a word or few for google. Google was using cookies some purpose not so good for the users, when the users started to know that they started blocking cookies from the google, Now google has come up with a site and gmail, these sites want us to enable cookies for the to be used. is it required. why can't giving access to it self be enoug. The only reason is that google want to retain its tracking of users information which is illegimate and interference in our privacy. Also some sites will not accept the emailaddress from for any kind of registration where as they accept hotmails' i will not say that this makes hotmail good but it makes those sites bad. Say and prove something like this about yahoo then i will think of your question.

All Answers
Answer 1
because msn lets u do INSTANT messages
2006-06-10 09:15:14

Answer 2
Yahoo has the best instant messenger which allows you to look offline and still be able to send instant messages,it also has sealth setting and you may look online or offline to different users.Also yahoo messenger lets you know when incoming e mails are received when it is running.Yahoo is THE BEST!
2006-06-10 09:20:52

Answer 3
Well Firstly, You yourself have decided by now that MSN or HOTmail is better than yahoo. So can we change your mind set. we cannot. But since you ask for our views, Yahoo is lot more better than any other services. MSN\hotmail is integrated with microsoft so whats the guarentee that we are not cross checked every time we login for a software. And b-cause the issue is being discussed i will also like to say a word or few for google. Google was using cookies some purpose not so good for the users, when the users started to know that they started blocking cookies from the google, Now google has come up with a site and gmail, these sites want us to enable cookies for the to be used. is it required. why can't giving access to it self be enoug. The only reason is that google want to retain its tracking of users information which is illegimate and interference in our privacy. Also some sites will not accept the emailaddress from for any kind of registration where as they accept hotmails' i will not say that this makes hotmail good but it makes those sites bad. Say and prove something like this about yahoo then i will think of your question.
2006-06-10 09:32:48

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lyrics/Title/artist/composer for refrain "I lift up my eyes to the mtns, when will help come to me? My help is?

Lyrics/Title/artist/composer for refrain "I lift up my eyes to the mtns, when will help come to me? My help is?
Catholic song w/ refrain "I lift up my eyes to the mountains, when will help come to me? My help is from the Lord, my God, when will help come to me?" from 1970's or 1980's? Weston Priory? St. Louis Jesuits? Need lyrics and title.
Lyrics - 1 Answers - 2009-03-03 06:17:23

Best Answer
No best answer chosen.

All Answers
Answer 1
I don't think thoses are the right lyrics... but i found a song something like that, there almost the same words!! Psalm 121:1 A Song of Ascents
2009-03-03 07:25:29

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I need Knights of the nine(Oblivion) help for PC?

I need Knights of the nine(Oblivion) help for PC?
I am in the priory of the nine's basement and it is after my battle with umaril(which I totally destroyed him!) and when ever I try to go back up to the main level of the priory I see a solid stone door with a dimond on it and whenever I try to open it I get a messege saying something about a circular pattern and the dimond opening is the only way to open this door how do I get it open!!!!?????? I have tried everything.
Video & Online Games - 2 Answers - 2007-02-11 09:24:10

Best Answer
Maybe you need to be wearing the ring that got you into the basement in the first place, but I've never had that happen.

All Answers
Answer 1
Maybe you need to be wearing the ring that got you into the basement in the first place, but I've never had that happen.
2007-02-11 09:57:16

Answer 2
just load the autosave thing, maybe its a glitch
2007-02-12 13:24:49

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reading the DaVinci Code do you think any of Dan Brown's theories and claims can be somewhat real?

Reading the DaVinci Code do you think any of Dan Brown's theories and claims can be somewhat real?
Many of the theories you can't help but wonder if they can be real. Of how the Mona Lisa was made and why, what DaVinci's orientation was, the Priory of Sion...I find it all intriguing.
Books & Authors - 8 Answers - 2006-06-05 15:33:34

Best Answer
It's classified as fiction, as we all know. But strangely, I've been thinking the same thing.what Leigh and Robert have been saying about the Priory is fascinating.I believe that Yeah, it can be true. That's why millions of people like us love the book. They dont know if it's true and it gets you thinking and it's just fun to stop in church, stare up at Jesus and say, "huh.What if you were married?" Ya know?nobody around today was there to witness Jesus' life. Sweet 360 by the way.

All Answers
Answer 1
Some of it might actually be based on fact. But then again who knowes. It does sound quite intresting but I dunno there is no real proof that it isn't true but no real proof that it is eather so... yeah
2006-06-05 15:39:16

Answer 2
I think that Dan Brown does some good research for his stories. I think DaVinci probably hide things to make us look harder. Back in his time what we would consider tame today , would he would have been arrested for. Did you see the History Channels show on Behind the Davinci code? It gave answers some of Davinci questions Just remember that this book was in the fiction section
2006-06-05 15:40:58

Answer 3
I loved the book. The movie is as movies based on novels does. I like the way the church is jumping through hoops to keep every one satisfied. They need to be shaken awake on occasion.
2006-06-05 15:51:56

Answer 4
Dan Brown took a little bit of fact and distorted it into a whole lot of fiction. 90-95% of that book is untrue. For example, there was a Council of Nicea, but did not do what Brown said they did.
2006-06-05 16:13:05

Answer 5
No. Simple as that. The Da Vinci code was based on a book called Holly Blood, Holy Grail, which was itself based on claims found in the so called Secret Dossiers, found in the French Bibiothèque Nationale. I believe the whole thing started off as a joke perpetrated by a group of French hoaxers close to the surrealist group in the mid 50's.
2006-06-05 16:16:36

Answer 6
It's classified as fiction, as we all know. But strangely, I've been thinking the same thing.what Leigh and Robert have been saying about the Priory is fascinating.I believe that Yeah, it can be true. That's why millions of people like us love the book. They dont know if it's true and it gets you thinking and it's just fun to stop in church, stare up at Jesus and say, "huh.What if you were married?" Ya know?nobody around today was there to witness Jesus' life. Sweet 360 by the way.
2006-06-05 16:42:03

Answer 7
It's always a possibility. I personally don't know, but even if it was i wouldn't see anything wrong with. It is based on years and years and years of conspiracy theories.
2006-06-05 20:21:50

Answer 8
No. He lost all credibility with me because he can't even get his basic, checkable facts straight. (Such as the size of various paintings, and how many glass panels are in the pyramid sculpture in front of the Louvre - it's more than 666.)
2006-06-06 09:48:11