Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am wanting to know more about the "priory of scion"? Can anyone explain?

I am wanting to know more about the "priory of scion"? Can anyone explain?
I have heard so may different views I was curious to see what others respones may be. Thanks
Mythology & Folklore - 5 Answers - 2006-11-15 17:40:36

Best Answer
Doesn't exist and is a hoax. (Let me guess you heard about it in the Fictional book "The Da Vinci Code")

All Answers
Answer 1 The priory of sion also described as a hoax. Has been suggested as being deliberately concocted to embarrass or force the church to release information that others claim would deny Christs deity and nullify the church and its belief system.It might also be a partial truth in regards to Mary's part in the basis of the christian religion and the denial of her or her true existence.For myself it romanticized her relationship and also made her involvement in history a love story between two entities or angelic beings in human form.Kind of like the Blue Lagoon.How do you turn a love story into a Deity without excluding these alleged facts like a government blacking out the details? Much of our history is based on conspiracies and half truths.Maybe Mary wrote her own gossip column back then.
2006-11-15 18:14:10

Answer 2
it was a hoax invented by three french guys. the head guy had a total superiority complex and wanted to connect himself to the merovingian royalty. they hid fake documents in a church, people found them, thought they were real, and these guys played along with it. i think it was around 30 years ago that they admitted it was a hoax.
2006-11-15 19:02:43

Answer 3
I don't know about the Priory of Scion, but I have watched a couple of history channel documentaries that told they have actually found bits and pieces of the actual "book of Mary". But even if the whole thing were true, I don't see the big deal.....
2006-11-15 23:40:25

Answer 4
It is Zion, look it up.
2006-11-16 01:36:34

Answer 5
Doesn't exist and is a hoax. (Let me guess you heard about it in the Fictional book "The Da Vinci Code")
2006-11-16 18:16:37

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