Thursday, October 7, 2010

In the book "The Da Vinci code" how did people get to become members of the Priory of Sion?

In the book "The Da Vinci code" how did people get to become members of the Priory of Sion?
In that book there is this secret organisation that is known as the priory of sion which people like Isaac Newton and Da Vinci were once member. Apart from being influential people in the society as that time what else also were the qualities that make one become a member of the cult?
Books & Authors - 5 Answers - 2006-12-22 05:02:11

Best Answer
I've often wonder about that, myself. Organizations like the Free Masons, Priory of Sion, and other secret societies. I would imagine that people of some celebrity were more easily welcomed into the clubs because their views on certain subjects were more widely known. If it were something that were favorable to the society, then they could ask that person to join. Also, I would imagine that people who were already members play a big part in selecting people that they know in their personal lives who would be a good fit. You have to wonder, though, how they manage to keep their secrets with so many members.

All Answers
Answer 1
They probably had to show some interest or knowledge about the subjects that the Priory dealt with. And I believe new members were tapped by current members, probably based on what they had seen or heard of the person.
2006-12-22 05:06:11

Answer 2
I've often wonder about that, myself. Organizations like the Free Masons, Priory of Sion, and other secret societies. I would imagine that people of some celebrity were more easily welcomed into the clubs because their views on certain subjects were more widely known. If it were something that were favorable to the society, then they could ask that person to join. Also, I would imagine that people who were already members play a big part in selecting people that they know in their personal lives who would be a good fit. You have to wonder, though, how they manage to keep their secrets with so many members.
2006-12-22 05:17:29

Answer 3
jews and commies
2006-12-22 06:05:47

Answer 4
I think that the people that belonged to the Priory of Sion were scientist and artists that were against the church.
2006-12-22 06:38:44

Answer 5
The members of the Priory of Sion were sworn to protect the descendents of Jesus, also known as the bloodline of the Grail. The Priory of Sion were indifferent to the Church, nether for nor against. Dan Brown's book was only the latest in a long line of books about The Priory of Sion and its historical function.
2006-12-23 14:28:13

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